G-Times 文章



2019 / 11 / 05



因此继茂着手进行材料验证,选定了在业界极具公信力和权威的UL机构,从送样测试、审查到取得资格,陆陆续续已经有六支材料通过UL 测试并登录到UL 清单。

这六支材料分别是V7015AA(FKM氟橡胶)、V7500AA(FKM氟橡胶)、N7060AA(NBR丁腈橡胶) 、F7004BU02(FVMQ氟素矽胶)、F3002BU (FVMQ氟素矽胶)、C7100AA (CR氯丁橡胶)。

V7015AA 是氟橡胶过氧架桥含氟量约67%,除了拥有耐高温、耐油、耐化学性能,更拥有比一般氟橡胶较佳的耐低温能力。 V7015AA不只可应用在直接或间接接触油品,还能使用在乙醇燃料或柴油/生质柴油中符合环保车的需求。

V7500AA 是氟橡胶双酚架桥含氟量约66%,拥有耐高温、耐油、耐化学性能,更拥有氟橡胶中极佳的抗压缩变型能力,应用在直接或间接接触油品,如引擎废气排放系统中,更值得一提的是此材料还能使用在乙醇燃料中符合环保车的需求。

N7060AA 是丁腈橡胶使用高ACN含量的原胶,拥有极佳的耐油性,在需要直接与油品接触但高温要求较低的状况下如油槽、输油系统、油盖、油枪等应用是性价比最高的选择。

F7004BU02 是氟素矽胶拥有与氟橡胶相近的耐高温能力和相当的耐油性,不同前述两个材料F7004BU02拥有极佳的耐低温能力至-55℃,可用在较宽广的温度应用以及适合用于不同纬度和地区,可被应用在直接或间接接触油品的密封件上,也可被使用在航空相关的静态密封件。

同样的 F3002BU 低硬度氟素矽胶也具有耐高温能力和相当的耐油性,可被应用在直接或间接接触油品的密封件上。

继茂除了开发汽车与电子相关领域的产品外,也积极开发冷媒系统的应用材料,C7100AA 氯丁橡胶具备良好的耐天候、耐臭氧的特质,并且耐化学物甚佳,对于耐矿物油、冷媒等类有不错的表现。


Compound Service temp range, °C Hardness range, Shore A Tensile strength, psi Elongation, % Compression set, %
V7015AA -60~200°C 68-78 2035 183 16.9
  • End Use: B, C(Ethanol), D, G
  • Suitable for UL 50E continuous compression applications for enclosures Types 2, 3, 3X, 3R,3RX, 3S, 3SX, 4, 4X, 5, 6, 6P, 12, 12K and 13 including oil immersion
  • Suitable for UL 87A and UL 2586A gasoline/ethanol blends with ethanol concentrations up to 85% (E85) for static and dynamic applications
  • Suitable for UL 87B and UL 2586B diesel/biodiesel fuel blends with nominal biodiesel fuel concentrations up to 20% (B20) for static and dynamic applications
  • Suitable for UL 87C and UL 2586C diesel exhaust fluids for static and dynamic applications
V7500AA -40~200°C 75-85 2278 201 5.3
  • End Use: B, C(Ethanol), D, F, G, H, J
  • Suitable for UL 50E continuous and periodic compression applications for enclosures Types 2, 3,3X, 3R, 3RX, 3S, 3SX, 4, 4X, 5, 6, 6P, 12, 12K and 13 including oil immersion
F3002BU -40~60°C 28-38 920.3 433.7 2.19
  • End Use: Suitable for use with UL1238 - Control Equipment for use with Flammable Liquid dispensing Devices applications with no adhesive
F7004BU02 -55~80°C 63-73 1107 215 4.0
  • End Use: B, C(Ethanol), D, G
  • Suitable for UL 50E continuous and periodic compression applications for enclosures Types 2, 3,3X, 3R, 3RX, 3S, 3SX, 4, 4X, 5, 6, 6P, 12, 12K and 13 including oil immersion
  • Suitable for UL 87A and UL 2586A gasoline/ethanol blends with ethanol concentrations up to 85% (E85) for static and dynamic applications
  • Suitable for UL 87B and UL 2586B 100% (B100) biodiesel fuel or diesel/biodiesel fuel blends with nominal biodiesel fuel concentrations up to 20% (B20) for static and dynamic applications
  • Suitable for UL 87C and UL 2586C diesel exhaust fluids for static and dynamic applications
C7100AA -40~60°C 67-77 1803 190 6.1
  • End Use: R(R-12, R-22, R-134a)
N7060AA -40~60°C 69-79 1599 294 8.8
  • End Use: A(Water, Dry Chemical), B, C(Ethanol), D, F, G, J
  • Suitable for UL 50E continuous and periodic compression applications for enclosures Types 2, 3, 3X, 3R, 3RX, 3S, 3SX, 4, 4X, 5, 6, 6P, 12, 12K and 13 including oil immersion
  • Suitable for UL 87A gasoline/ethanol blends with ethanol concentrations up to 85% (E85) for static and dynamic applications
  • Suitable for UL 87B 100% (B100) biodiesel fuel or diesel/biodiesel fuel blends with nominal biodiesel fuel concentrations up to 20% (B20) for static and dynamic applications

End-Use Applications Code
A: Extinguishing agents
B: Gasoline
C: Gasoline/Alcohol Blends
D: Naptha or kerosene
F: Manufactured gas or natural gas
G: Diesel fuel, fuel oil or lubricating oil
H: Heated fuel oil
J: Liquefied petroleum gas (LP-gas)
R: Refrigerants